The Uni

The Uni is a unibody split ortholinear mechanical keyboard built for stenography. Learn how to set up your keyboard here: Download Plover

The Layout

Uni Layout


Be careful when customizing your keyboard because modified keyboards cannot be returned.

The Uni offers a wide variety of customization options. Some popular modifications are listed below, sorted easiest to hardest:


Two great firmware customizations include embedded steno and the Utility Belt layout.

Embedded steno lets you use steno on any device such as an iPad, chromebook, or school/work/public computer. Embedded steno allows you to use steno as a plug-and-play device without the need for Plover. Although, Plover has more features and plugins, embedded steno is a great option for steno-on-the-go.

The Utility Beltopen in new window firmware enables your Uni to do press-and-hold modifier keys such as shift, control, command, and alt.

Spring Swap

Learn more about spring swapping here: Spring Swap


Learn more about silencing here: Silencing

Last Updated: 4/14/2023, 3:21:44 PM